Born Again

Created by Yawana ( Shiman ) 10 years ago
For the sake of telling this story, I would like to use the word " Born Again " in a general matter. Where as most people think of " Born-Again " people getting dunked into holy water, or perhaps finding Christ through a church setting, etc. Well I am not sure if all of members of my family, as well as friends/aquaintances are aware that my brother was saved at a young age. As mentioned earlier in this tribute ,his church home was New Bethel CME Church. As a child he attended most Sundays alongside my mother (family rule attend church to the age of 18).Going to church when my brother and I were younger was the best thing "Our" mother ( Dorothy Wilmer) could have done for us in preparation to deal with the trial and tribulations of the " Real World ". A few years back my brother voiced to me that he felt he was meant to be in the ministry. Indeed it was by far one of the most meaningful things that he wanted to accomplish alongside breaking into the music industry. Well there is a saying, " Too Little, Too Late ", and this subject matter would fall in the category of DOUBTFUL MINDS. But this was not the case by far where my brother's efforts were concerned. When he did things...he did them " Big " in his own way. And while in his wiser years he may not have attended church in a physical manner, "Jesus Christ" was always in his Mind, Body, and Soul. For you see my brother felt that church wasn't just a building, BUT instilled within us through our faith. With that being said from time to time I would sit with him and read different parts of the bible. During these times I found our conversations to be very exhilerating. You know he was Born-Again in two ways. 1)He accepted his calling to the ministry ( during his hospital stay un-officially). 2)He saw things in a different manner not just life views. But through his new pair of eyes. Being Born-Again allowed my brother to hone in on four(4)concepts to do " God's Work " while here on this earth. Those four concepts went as such; 1) "I love You" We as people need to profess our love towards people, whether it be a friend, quaintence, husband/wife/partner, parents/siblings, because we are not promised tomorrow. We are promised for the day in which we live in at this very moment. Also love can be used to diffuse hatred, fights,Ignorance, etc. Example: If someone walks up to you and tries to argue with you or say hurtful things purposely, Just look at them and say : I love you. It will cause them to stop dead in their tracks and realize how petty, and/or immature they are being,and perhaps in awe that they were met with kindness upon trying to inflict negativity. The Human Race comes in many different forms, shapes, sizes, sexuality, sexual gender, religion, what have you... BUT we must keep in mind that we are no better than them to judge them for who they are.. " Life Is Too Short". 2) " Thank you " It is a kind gesture to say thank you to someone. It allows them to feel good about something they did. One of the emotions that can derive from this is the feeling of " Appreciation". When one feels appreciated it increase endorphins in the nervous system. almost a hypocritical to say *Just remember a simple Thank you can go a long way* 3)" I Apologize " He felt that stating I am sorry was to be seen as a hypocrtical act. Because In reality what is it that we are sorry for.Upon first learning his theories on life, I was presented with the following two (2) ideas. How can we be sorry for something that we had no prior knowledge to. For Example:Being in a club and stepping on someones $ 125.00 Air Jordans. Who in the world would purposely step on a stranger's brand new sneakers (keeping in mind they probably starved for a few days in order to buy them)...Answer is NO ONE Or how about the things that we had conscious awareness of for example:Being a Full-Time Bully on a regular basis.The Infamous Bus Monitor is a good example of this. The children involved were well aware of there actions , and the affect they had 4) It's "I'll See you Later"/ "Talk to you soon" - *NO GOOD-BYE IT IS MORE PERMANENT* There was one really big principle that he belived/shared with myself and others: Live your life to the fullest, don't just strive to be good,strive to be great. We can not please everyone in life, and the quicker we grow to realize this- the more we as people will come to realize is that are lives are less chaotic, and much more fruitful. The following paraphrases are ones I live by in addition to the similiar beliefs that my brother has left as part of his ATW four (4) Life. FOOD For THOUGHT: " To Live is To Understand the Meaning Of Life" By. Y.Wilmer " Happiness is Temporary, and Joy is Permanaent" By. Anonymous

