Big Boy's Assignment from Lil Sis

Created by Yawana ( Shiman ) 10 years ago
Those of you who had the privilege of visiting my brother in the hospital are aware of his savvy way of getting people to do things that he was not able to do. An example of one of these infamous tasks involved one of his favorite things in the world. That is besides his friends and family. You guessed correctly...the answer is "FOOD". The tasks involved served the purpose of making sure he was well fed and provided with nourishment. Well nourishment that was not cooked in the cafeteria of Strong memorial Hospital. Don't get me wrong I was a big fan of their " Tofu stuffed Ravilolis", but there is nothing like hospital food that might cause one to go on a liquid diet ( shaking my head and laughing). Just to set the record straight, there were other assignments given here and there, and not just to any one person in particular. Now to get to the point of where I am going with this story involves a very important, but simplistic in nature. Well at the time I gave the assignment it seemed very simple, but now that i am thinking about it...I am not so sure of that. Regardless of whether the task i gave my brother was difficult or easy, he accepted it with much ease. Well on the night of his home coming...time frame being just shy of five (5) minutes past the initial point of communication from my mother informing me of his passing. Keep in mind I had only been home for a little over an hour on the 9th of July. I reluctantly got up from my bed because I knew that this was the last time I would see him in the hospital (where we created memories that i will never forget). Well quickly accepted the reality of it all and began to get dressed. I took a Hot New York Second ( meaning a couple of minutes at least ) to look in the mirror, and the proceeded to my bedside. Upon reaching the exact place in the bed where i was laying... I found a purple Rosary laying on my bed as if it were very delicately draped with care. Prior to this chain of events i didn't personally own a rosary of that color. I asked my partner if she placed it there on the bed, and her answer was, "No". For you see I gave my brother the task of letting me know that he crossed over in a way that would not scare me. And he did just that..... " I love You Big Bro, and want to publicly thank you for being the best big brother anyone could ask for. It was truly an honor to get to know you in a way that most siblings will never have the opportunity to partake in.
