Father's Day

2013 June 16

Created by Yawana ( Shiman ) 11 years ago
Society has commercialized Father's Day with the help from both Hallmark ( infamous card company deadicated to both making people laugh or the perfect tear jerker moment), and televison placing the emphasis on material gifts. Well my brother was a perfect example of what a father really is, or nicely stated a template/role model so to speak. He had a great understanding that Father's day was not just one particular day in the month of June, but an everyday occasion, and responsibility. Because of the responsibilities that he took on -this day became one of the most meaningful goals that he had a strong desire to achieve. For you see Anthony not only wanted to spend it with his biological children, but with others that called him " Dad". He also knew the importance of sharing part of the day with both his mother and father and of course me ( his Keeper ). Because being a great father meant wearing multiple hats-he really wanted to share this day with all that he loved.
