Graduation Day !!!! ( " We Made It" )

2013 June 22

Created by Yawana ( Shiman ) 11 years ago
As a parent, or perhaps as an Aunt or Uncle/Grandmom or Granddad...A child's graduation day is up there on the charts of important life goals. The irony with this particular event is that it wasnt just Ashlyn that had an uphill was also a long hard road for all those that loved her ( Friends/relatives/Tutors/school officials/hospital staff, etc. ) . What makes this achievment so special and as I would say, "Grandiose" is that my brother had to work very hard and diligintly as he grew sicker with each breath and every heartbeat. Although if you were not very close to him...what he accomplished on a day to day basis might have just seemed like a dad biding his time until the maker himself called his number. GOD IS GOOD AND GOD IS GREAT...... Because he... well lets just say he took a little detour in the process of crossing over. What seemed like an average day with my " Big Boy ", ( Well what is average with him? )turned to be a frightening event.. He lets just say almost knocked on Heavens door.. Well i will save the mushy stuff for later... On June 22nd 2013 Friends and family members gathere at Rochester Institute of Technology to partake in Rush Henrietta's Class Of 2013 walk across the stage. But little did the crowd know that when Ashlyn Tyshae Wilmer walked across that stage...So did her Grandma and Grandpa Wilmer, myself (Yawana Wilmer), her God Mother, and of course her father Mr. Anthony Tyrone Wilmer, and last but never least Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ himself...For you see sometimes in life when we accomplish things its a solo event but in this case as Tyler Perry might put it, " It was a family Affair ". "You did it Big Boy, I know it was a hard goal to reach but you did it... I love You soooooo Much. Lil Sis
