Birthday Bash

2013 July 03

Created by Yawana ( Shiman ) 11 years ago
Happy Birthday Big Boy. What I have in my head when I think of my brother on his Birthday is happiness, and goodtimes. Always with a big smile from ear to ear. Of course tasty treats and slammin mixed drinks. If you were lucky he might tell you what he put in his special drinks. C'Mon i know there are people that are thinking, yep you must be talking about those fruity drinks that were soo yummy. We all know that if you drank them too fast, and called yourself getting up and dancing or walking over to the grill for another piece of his "Scrumptious B-BQ", you might have to sit back down for a few moments to collect yourself. As I write this or rather reminisce i sit here thinking to myself oh boy he is going to make up for lost time come next July 2014. He may not be a man of the flesh anymore, But he is a true man of "God", and you know he will have people grilling steaks and ribs that wouldn't normally grill more than a hamburger or a hot dog. Or perhaps throwing your own B-Day shin dig, and usually it's the same old same old waiting for people to sit back and call you. Just wait you will see. His Birthday was a very difficult journey that he fought soo hard to make it happen.In fact this achievement was his last goal before starting a new chapter of his life. I remember at some point during his hospital stay that he was telling my mom he wanted to go out with a bang. To be truthful everything he did had a little sugar and spice to it. I remember staying the night on July 2nd because I wanted him to have a physical presence in the room upon his awakening.Well that and I wanted to make sure he was "so fresh and so clean -clean", ( like in Ludacris's song ), so that when people started visiting on this special occasion he looked his best. But before I go any further I want to share with you some of the words, that he said shortly after opening his eyes. " I made it sis, I made it to my Birthday". I don't think I have ever been privy to someone feeling so elated about such an event (the way in which he was). It was different, kind of like he was well aware this was going to be remembered, and felt by all as a " Bitter-Sweet" moment in time. After my goals were accomplished, I went home showered and took a cat nap. Of course I guess in lieu of Anthony's style I was fashionably late arriving back to the hospital to participate in his Birthday bash. In it's own respect it was much like a surprise party towards the end of the day with one of his really good friend's in attendance, family members from out of town, and of course the occasional nurse coming in to say "Happy Birthday Tony". A nurse stopped me in the hallway/outside of his room to say you know I think it is really great all of the support that you have given to him in his time of need. Which was very humbling I might add. I'm not trying to write a novel, But I didn't want anyone to miss out on the actions taken place on that particular day. If anyone knows me really well, they will know two facts about me when there is a special occasion to be celebrated: 1). I always have to give balloons (along with a card of course). 2). I love Birthday cake. The second fact about myself in regards to special occasions played a huge role in " Big Boy's " B-day going out with a bang. He waited until I came back fashionably late to sing, and cut the cake. I will never forget how I was standing before someone that was very self dependant on his B-day ( meaning it didn't matter if someone was stopping by his house or he had an invite to do something special ), chose a selflessness approach to how to close the chapter to a very long awaited day. He made it about seeing the smiles upon the faces of the people he loved,and had grown to love(nurses/doctors/patient care techs etc.). For you see it may have been his Birthday, BUT the lesson he was trying to send is that it was a celebration of life in general.
